Utah Meth Cleanup Service & Resources

Utah’s Highest Rated Meth Cleanup Service Company?  Here you will find some of the documents and regulations regarding required meth cleanup service & meth decontamination in Utah.

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Meth Cleanup Service Utah

Utah’s Certified Utah Meth Cleanup Service & Methamphetamine Decontamination Service for Home, Office and Vehicles in Salt Lake City and Utah.

Meth Cleanup Service in Utah

Does your home or property require a Certified Meth Cleanup Service? Relax, we’re here to help and we’ll be with the through every step of the process. We are not the police & we’re not concerned with what has happened in the past. Fact is, the issue may have existed long before you lived in the home. Meth residue can stay in an HVAC system for years. Methamphetamine residue is a very sticky substance & it is hard to remove.   We find that meth contamination happens in all kinds of homes & regardless of religion, class, gender or ethnic background.

My Property Has Been Tested For Meth, Now what?

The first question you need to answer is… What Does the report say?  To answer that question you need to be able to read the lab report. Below is a sample lab report. In the state of Utah the level must be below 1.0 microgram / 100cm2. In the example below the total result level is 9.0 & the divided total is 3.0. The divided total is the important number & it must be below 1.0/100cm2. The home in this example would require decontamination (because the divided total is 3.0).

Required Meth Cleanup Utah

My Property Tested Over The Limit For Meth… NOW WHAT?

Here’s the good news, meth decon has improved greatly over the past 10 years. This isn’t the scary, impossible process you might have hear about or read about online.  That said, Meth Decon is a processes (not a single event) with many steps to consider based on some of the following needs of your property.

Each property we work on is different due to some of the following factors:

  1. Level of meth contamination
  2. How & when the home was built
  3. If it is an Apartment or Condo & what floor is it on
  4. How was the HVAC built & Do we have access to the duct work
  5. How large is the home
  6. How much material in the home needs to be removed before decon work can start
  7. Has the home been recently painted
  8. What remodeling is going to be done to the home
  9. Time frame for decon completion
  10. What role in the decon process does the Owner Of Record what to have


Do I Have To Hire A Certified Methamphetamine Decontamination Company

No, you are not required by law to hire a Certified Methamphetamine Decontamination company. The Owner Of Record is allowed to do the decon work but they are held to all the same standards as a Certified Methamphetamine Decontamination company. Most property owners find that it is a job best left to professionals. The overall time and express of doing the work yourself is fare greater than hiring a company that has the experience to get the job done right. Here is what the SLC Health Department Has stated on the issue. Also keep in mind that you will be required to hire a Certified Decon Company to test your home after meth decontamination is completed.

“Property owners of record (the person whose name appears on the title as recorded in the  Salt Lake County Recorder’s Office) may decontaminate a property themselves, or they may choose a contractor from a  list of certified decontamination specialists maintained by the  Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
Be advised that a property owner of record who decides to do the work personally will be responsible for complying with the same applicable local, state, and federal regulations as a certified decontamination specialist.  rather than learn how to properly carry out the work themselves, and then go through the labor of actually doing the work.”

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