Certified Decontamination Specialist
Get help & advice from a Utah Certified Decontamination Specialist
Has Your Home or Business Been Contaminated With Meth? You need to speak with a Utah Certified Decontamination Specialist. In about 30 mins we can bring you up to speed on the Meth Decon process, help you understand lab reports and give you a good idea on price and time to complete Meth decontamination. If you have concerns about methamphetamine contamination in your home or business please give us a call today and speak to a Certified Decontamination Specialists now. We look forward to helping you.
Meth Test Before You Purchase A Property
Over many years of experience we have found that it is always best to run a Meth Test before you purchase any property. We have loads of sad stories about excited new home owners left holding the bag for a contaminated property that they had nothing to do with. If you think your property may be contaminated, we strongly recommend that you run Meth Test.
Speak to a Certified Decontamination Specialist | Call Now (801) 438-7632.
Request Decontamination Quote
Utah Meth Cleanup Resources
Protect Employee & Customer Health
Increase employee health and productivity while decreasing healthcare costs. With one treatment we can eliminate pathogens in the air and on surfaces. Our EPA approved, dry-mist system reaches into every nook and cranny to find and destroy germs.
Protect Your Home & Family
Our home disinfection services are EPA approved and proven to eliminate illness causing pathogens. Our services leave no residue and are eco-friendly. In about the time it takes to see a movie, our dry-mist system can disinfect your entire home.
Odor Removal Services
Do have a smell in your home, office or car that just won’t go away? Are you having trouble selling your home because of pet, smoke or other odors? We are the experts in permanent odor removal.